This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights and practical tips for anyone considering horse riding in Mongolia. Riding horses in Mongolia is not only a thrilling adventure but also an authentic way to connect with the rich nomadic culture of the region. Here's a summary of key points to guide you for horse riding in Mongolia:

Approaching a Mongolian Horse:

  • Always approach horses from their left-hand side.
  • Avoid approaching from the tail and walking too close behind them.
  • Stay calm, move slowly, and avoid sudden movements to prevent the horse from getting nervous.

Mongolian Horses:

  • Most horses in Mongolia are considered semi-wild, meaning they roam freely and need active riding.
  • They may not look perfectly groomed but are hardy and fit.
  • Be aware of "spring legs" if riding in late April – horses may stumble a bit initially.


  • Horse riding in Mongolia involves some risk, and riders should be aware of the independent nature of horses.
  • Helmets may not be provided, so it's advisable to bring your own for safety.
  • The activity is undertaken at your own risk, so choose what you feel comfortable with.

Riding Basics:

  • Mongolian tack is similar to other places, with stirrups for your feet.
  • Proper foot placement in the stirrup is crucial for safety.
  • To make the horse go, use heel squeezes, vocal commands like "Chuu," or a light kick for lazier horses.



Riding Techniques:

  • Mongolian riders often stand in the stirrups during a trot or canter for extended periods.
  • Turning is done using a lead rope and reins.
  • The guide emphasizes the importance of finding the right seat for comfort during riding.

What to Wear:

  • Comfort and warmth are key, so choose appropriate clothing.
  • Long trousers or leggings, boots with a slight heel, gloves, and sunglasses are recommended.
  • Be prepared for changing weather conditions.

Saddle Sores:

  • Saddle sores are a possibility, and prevention includes wearing appropriate, form-fitting clothing, using lubrication, and keeping dry.

Best Places to Ride in Mongolia:

  • Naimun Nuur National Park, Khovsgol, and Khan Khentil National Park are suggested locations for horse riding, each offering unique terrains and experiences.

Cultural Significance:

  • Horse riding is deeply embedded in Mongolian culture, connecting nomads for centuries.
  • The importance of horses in Mongolian history, including Genghis Khan's conquests, is highlighted.

In conclusion, horse riding in Mongolia is not just a physical adventure but an immersion into the nomadic way of life and a unique connection with the landscape. The guide provides practical advice to make the experience enjoyable and safe while capturing the essence of Mongolian equestrian culture. Saddle up and enjoy the ride!